Employment Medicals

Pre-Employment Medicals

We offer Pre-Employment Medical Examinations that can be tailored to your company’s needs and which often include:
• Health Questionnaire
• Drug & Alcohol (Instant) screen test
• Hearing tests
• Spirometry
• Visual acuity, and
• General Physical assessment

NSW Coal Mine Workers

All coal mine workers must complete a pre-placement medical. Periodic medicals are also required every 3 years.

Dr Rohana and Dr Dilini are both Approved Medical Practitioners for Coal Services, as published on their website.

The employer must complete and submit an Order 43 role requirements document for each worker prior to the medical assessment being conducted. Please download the form here https://www.coalservices.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Order-43-Role-requirements.pdf

QLD Coal Mine Workers

Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme (formerly the Coal Board Medical) protects the health of Queensland coal mine workers by ensuring they undergo compulsory health assessments. This includes an assessment when they enter the industry and then at least every 5 years while employed in the industry.  Dr Dilini is an approved Examining Medical Officer (EMO) able to conduct these assessments, and Bridge Medical Centre is an approved Spirometry practice by Resources Safety & Health Qld (RSHQ).

A helpful website listed below:-


National Rail Medicals

Rail Category 1 Medical – for any rail safety workers who perform safety critical work, where getting sick or if something suddenly happens to them may result in a serious incident that affects public safety or the rail network. Medical includes Instant Drug and Alcohol, Hearing and Vision tests, Musculoskeletal and Medical examination plus ECG (heart check) and fasting blood test (cholesterol and glucose).

Rail Category 2 Medical – for any rail safety workers who perform safety critical work but if they get sick or if something suddenly happens to them, it won’t impact others. Medical includes Instant Drug and Alcohol, Hearing and Vision tests, Musculoskeletal and Medical examination.

Rail Category 3 Medical – for any track safety workers who are responsible for their own safety and the safety of other workers. This medical includes Instant Drug and Alcohol, Hearing and Vision tests, and Medical examination.

Aviation Licence Medicals

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) requires pilots and aircrew to obtain an aviation medical certificate that is specific to their role.
Dr Rohana is an Australian Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME) who can issue aviation medical certificates as per the CASA requirement. Assessments are conducted by appointment only and must be booked in advance. You will need your ARN (Aviation Reference Number) to book.

Other Testing Offered

The following individual tests can be booked:-

  • Instant Drug and Alcohol screen
  • Chain of Custody Drug (Urine)
  • Audiometry
  • Spirometry
  • Functional capacity assessments